8 Health Benefits of Air Purifier

8 Health Benefits of Air Purifier

Nothing can replace a walk in the forest, by the sea or in the mountains. Because nothing is more important than clean, fresh air to breathe. The biggest part of the day we spend it indoors. We should think about, how to keep the indoor air free from hazardous pollutants, since the indoor air can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air. Everybody should envision that a human being is breathing about 10.000 times per day, which equals in 12 kg of air, while food and water amount to only 4 kg per day. But we do care so much more about what we eat and drink.  If you want to have clean and healthy air at home or in your office, it is the easiest and most convenient way to help yourself with an air cleaner. What is important about these kinds of devices is a good filter system, consisting of a thick HEPA fine dust filter and a real activated carbon filter. To make it complete, a selectable ionization should be included. It is your choice to improve your indoor air for more quality of life with every breath you take. Clean and healthy air is precious and most important to life! Air purifiers have many benefits including…

Prevention of mould and mildew

A good HEPA filter in your air purifier will help to prevent mould and mildew build up. Mould in the workplace is a health hazard, potentially leading to illness in your workforce. It is also unsightly and can be costly to put right, particularly if it hasn’t been tackled early enough and has been left to spread and take a hold. Prevention is better than cure, and an air purifier will ensure that mould spores and bacteria are removed from the air.

Air Purifiers Remove Triggers for Asthma Attacks

You are at a “high priority public health risk” when you are inside you home because that is where the most asthma triggers are found. Such triggers can include dry skin cells, dirt, dust, carbon monoxide, household cleaners, air-freshening sprays, smoke from cooking, paint products, cosmetics, perfumes, and hairsprays. In addition, there may be mold spores or cockroaches in your work environment, both of which are triggers for an asthma attack. New carpets can also present threats as they release fumes. If not removed from the air, the particles of these substances can be inhaled and cause wheezing amongst other asthma symptoms. Tiny airborne particles can cause the most damage for those with asthma. Due to this, air purifiers that specifically remove microscopic impurities are ideal in treating asthma.

Preventing allergies

Air-carried allergens can cause huge problems in an office. There are many allergens that can easily enter your office environment such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mould and tobacco smoke. A high quality air purifier will ensure that allergens are removed from the air in your establishment before they can have an adverse effect on your workforce. Allergens can affect anyone, but for those who are particularly prone to them, or suffer from asthma, an air purifier will be hugely beneficial.

Overall air quality improvement

Indoor spaces are prone to low quality air. Bacteria and toxins can accumulate in an enclosed space, yet open the windows and you’re potentially opening a door to a wide range of pollutants and allergens. An air purifier is the ideal solution to ensure the air in your premises is constantly clean, healthy and safe.

Reducing sickness in the workplace

An air purifier will actually clean the air and reduce the spread of colds and flu. This will help to lower absence levels due to sickness and so increase productivity of the workforce. With people in such close proximity, colds and viruses can spread easily around shared offices so it’s important to keep control, particularly during the winter months when these illnesses are more prevalent.

Banishing bad odours

It certainly isn’t pleasant working with bad smells in the air. Bad odours can come from a variety of sources and can be hard to eliminate them. An unpleasant smell could be a by-product of a work process such as chemical smells or smoke, or it may simply be cooking smells from a works canteen. Whatever the cause, an air purifier will help to eliminate the smell, much to the relief of your staff.

An overall health boost to office staff

With high quality air in an office environment, you can see a noticeable difference in your staff. It’s great for physical health but it also has a very positive effect on mental wellbeing too. You’ll find staff are happier, more engaged, more productive and have more energy.

Increasing workforce productivity

With an air purifier you’re eliminating distracting odours, you’re helping your staff to stay healthy and you’re giving them fresh, clean air to breathe that’s high in oxygen. All this is a real boost for the overall productivity levels in the office. Motivation levels rise and your business can move forward faster.

Order your air purifier now!

Here at Unistat we sell only the highest quality air purifiers. We also have replacement filters for all the air purifiers we sell. To check out our range and choose an air purifier to boost the health and wellbeing of your office staff, please visit our website today.


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